Justin Wu

Field Value
ID 5111
Name Justin Wu
School Johns Hopkins
Place Team Season Points
76 Johns Hopkins WG 2023-24 0.5
Place Season Points
57 2023-24 3
Place Season Points
This debater has never been on the NOTY board.

HWS USUDC Oct 20 2023-24 Partner: Muzamil Godil (Johns Hopkins)
Varsity Team Award 3 Johns Hopkins WG
Maryland Nov 10 2023-24 Partner: Muzamil Godil (Johns Hopkins)
Varsity Team Award 5 Johns Hopkins WG
Varsity Speaker Award 5
Columbia BIPOC Dec 1 2023-24 Partner: Dennis Su (Unaffiliated)
Varsity Team Award 9 Unaffiliated / Johns Hopkins WS
George Washington Nationals Apr 26 2023-24 Partner: Muzamil Godil (Johns Hopkins)
Varsity Team Award 16 Johns Hopkins WG
ID Tournament Round PM MG LO MO Tags
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