Dartmouth / 2017-18 / Varsity Finals

Field Value
Tournament Dartmouth (2017-18)
Round Varsity Finals
PM Teddy Wyman
MG Jasper Primack
LO Miles Saffran
MO Marina Tan
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Case construct: Tiger parenting is a style of parenting with three characteristics: 1. They push their children towards a high degree of success in “prestigious” and academic fields like math, debate, and music. 2. They establish harsh rules for their children, limiting their free time and leisure. 3. they use emotional and sometimes physical punishment to coerce their children towards success. Permissive parenting is another style of parenting, also with three characteristics. 1. They give their children a great deal of personal freedom, rather than pushing them towards any activity in particular. 2. They have loose guidelines and rules for their children, rarely disciplining children for inappropriate behavior. 3. They are unconditionally supportive of their children.

Case statement: We’re going to put you in the position of a couple in a western liberal democracy. You’ve just had a child, who does not have any genetic disorders. Ceaveating that both sides of the house will defend a good faith effort, where the parents love and want what's best for their kids, you should be tiger parents, rather than permissive parents.


Opp won on a consensus decision. 

Opp Win, Lifestyle